Encapsulated Probiotic Bacteria in Cosmetics
Bac-in-a-Box® will add a new twist to cosmetics products
Probiotic bacteria are being increasingly used in soaps, for example bacteria that are naturally found to balance the pH environment on the skin can be added. Bac-in-a-Box® technology will increase survival and functionality to such bacteria.
The novelty of Cell-in-a-Box® technology would be of great advantage for graphic advertising and marketing purposes.
Austrianova’s proprietary encapsulation material, Gel8, has been approved as a cosmetic ingredient name by the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI)

Advantages encapsulation of probiotic bacteria for use in cosmetics include:
- Good survival of encapsulated bacteria
- Can be freeze dried before addition to cosmetic
- Activated upon rehydration
- Form “active centres” which release bacteria when rubbed on skin
- Capsules can be coloured to enhance effect